What is Mobile Marketing and Why is it Relevant?

Guest Blogger of Adchemist

Guest Blogger of Adchemist

Mobile Marketing is the process of approaching your potential customers on their smartphones via SMSs, MMSs, e-mails and other notifications.

There was a time when people needed a desktop computer or a laptop to check email or browse the internet. Nowadays, you can perform the same functions on your smartphones. In other words, it’s a mini-computer in your hands and pockets.

We are already living in the era of mobile evolution where people spend more time on their mobile phones than ever. So, mobile marketing has become even more relevant.

How Does Mobile Marketing Work?

Mobile marketing comprises all those ads that you see on your smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices. The style, design, and format of every platform is different, therefore, mobile marketing varies from website to website and platform to platform. Its because every website and platform has customized ad options.

Why Do Businesses Need Mobile Marketing Strategy?

Mobile marketing is indispensable to a good extent these days. Wherever you go, you’ll see people checking their smartphones every now and then – all of those people are the potential customers of mobile marketing.

What are the Types of Mobile Marketing Strategies?

There are different types of mobile marketing strategies varying from platform to platform. Some of them are as follows;
MMS Marketing
MMS stands for multimedia messaging service; people use this service for sending and sharing multimedia messages like images, photos, texts, video, and audio messages. It could be either from phone to phone or from the internet to phone. If you compare it with SMSs where you receive only the written text, MMS offers you multiple types of messages.
SMS Marketing
Short service messaging, also synonymously used by the phrase of SMSs, is one of the earliest forms of mobile marketing, and marketers still use it today. According to an estimate, 3.6 billion people send and receive SMSs every minute around the world, and people check those messages within the next three minutes. SMS check and open rate is 98% which is much higher than email (22%).
mobile seo marketing

What is Mobile Marketing and Why is it Relevant?

Mobile Marketing is the process of approaching your potential customers on their smartphones via SMSs, MMSs, e-mails and other notifications.

There was a time when people needed a desktop computer or a laptop to check email or browse the internet. Nowadays, you can perform the same functions on your smartphones. In other words, it’s a mini-computer in your hands and pockets.

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App-based Marketing

Every mobile smartphone user has multiple apps in his or her device, and those apps show different ads. A great number of people download different kinds of apps from google play store, apple store or any store, and then use it. Every app has hundreds and thousands of users, some of the famous apps like Facebook and Twitter have over a billion users. Those app companies integrate ads within their service, people come across such ads all the time and they are rarely offended.

In-game Mobile Marketing

Gaming apps are very popular among users, having said that 80% of the mobile users spend their total time either on apps or playing games. If you’re a gamer, then you must have noticed ads in the form of banners on the top or bottom of the app while playing games.

Location-based Marketing 

The ads appear in the middle of the app or while playing games are usually based on our location. For instance, Irish app users will see and come across Irish ads, because the marketers have specified the location before launching it.

Push Notification

Different companies send alert messages to their users daily, some even send messages randomly. Those alert messages fall in the category of push notification, the purpose of such messages is to remind its users about their product or service what they are offering. Or it could be a promotional message about a certain product or asking people to take some action like (call to action message), or a very personalized message to specific users.

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QR Codes

Gaming, security, and other data transferring apps usually send QR codes for the verification of their users. People scan such QR codes by using the camera of their smartphones, and then the app allows them to use its features after the authentication of devices.

Mobile Search Ads

Google uses such mobile search ads, those ads are only for mobile users. Sometimes we come across such ads, but we don’t notice them because we consider them a part of the app. Call now, click here, or check map, and order now are a few examples of mobile search ads, google displays such a button just below the link.

Mobile Image Ads

As the name implies, companies use catchy images and photos to attract the attention of their target market. They usually display such images on the top, bottom, sides, or middle of high trafficking websites.


Mobile marketing is essential if you want to expand your reach to customers. There are many mobile marketing companies that you can search for on Google, but only a few take the job seriously. Make sure to get the best mobile marketing company for your business. The cost of digital marketing also needs to be considered.  If you are in Dublin and Cork, Ireland, we can recommend one that has years of experience in devising mobile marketing campaigns. Contact us if you’re a business owner keen on expanding your outreach to customers, we’ll recommend the best mobile app marketers in your nearest area.

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